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nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of Anthony Wilcox, Campbelltown, South Australia 5074 September 2015
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A Mesopotamian lion invented the wheel (first used in pottery)
3BC- Humankind use of gears, cranks and pinions
in devices like water and wind mills.
1806 Francois Issac de Rivaz Hydrogen Oxygen I.C.E.
1826 Samuel Brown Hydrogen Engine Patent
1838 Christian Freidrich Hydrogen Fuel Cell
1839 Edmond Berger Spark Plug
1859 Anyos Jedlik Electric Motor
1859 Gaston Plante Lead Acid Battery
1860 Philander/Francis Roots Supercharger (Blast Furnace)
1862 Nickolaus Otto No Compression Engine
1870 Siegfried Marcus Horseless Carriage
1872 George Brayton Commercial Liquid Fuel ICE
1882 David Shearer Differential for steam carriage
1883 Siegfried Marcus Magneto Ignition
1885 Edward Butler Modern Spark Plug, Free Float Carb.
coil ignition,
Petrol three wheel fire cart.
1885 Karl Benz 2 stroke ICE Car
1886 Otto, Daimler, Maybach 4 stroke ICE Car
1887 Rudolf Diesel Diesel
1889 Siegfried Marcus Carburetor
1889 Gottlieb Daimler 4 speed Gearbox
1889 Wilhelm Maybach First Motorbike
1889 Panhard First production vehicle
1891 Peugeot First Petroleum Car
1891 Panhard Front Engined Car
1892 Wilhelm Maybach Float type Jet Carburetor
1893 Margaret Wilcox Car Heater
1893 Duryeacar First American production line
1895 Fredrick Lanchester Disc Brake, propeller shaft Transmission
1895 Panhard First Closed Car
1895 Andre/Edouard Michelin Pneumatic Tyres
1896 Karl Benz Boxter Engine
1897 Mors Front Wheel Drive
1898 Percy Riley Mechanical inlet Valve
1898 Gottlieb Daimler Inline 4 Cylinder Engine
1898 Louis Renault Drive Shaft, Ring and Pinion
1899 Louis Renault Spring Rear Axle
1899 Gottlieb Daimler Gate Gear Change, Foot Accelerator
1899 Ransom Olds First Market Dominator (Curved Dash)
1900 Rudolf Diesel Bio Diesel
1902 Spyker 4 Wheel Drive 6 Cylinder
1902 Louis Renault Drum Brakes, Offset screw Supercharger
1903 Mors Shock Absorbers
1903 Adler Swing Rear Axle
1903 Mary Anderson Windshield Wiper
1903 Rambler Steering Wheel
1903 Bosch Electric Ignition
1903 Amedee Bollee Independent Suspension
1903 Maudsley Overhead Camshaft
1903 Ader V8
1905 Alfred Buchi Turbocharger
1907 Caldwell 4 wheel drive (working)
1908 Delco Coil and Distributor Ignition
1909 Christie Transverse motor Front Wheel Drive
1909 Triplex Automotive Glass
1911 Cadillac Electric Starter and lights
1911 Isotta-Fraschini 4 Wheel Brakes
1912 Oakland All Steel Body
1913 Peugeot Forced Feed Dry Sump Lubrication
1913 Ford Motor Moving production line.
1915 Cadillac Thermostatic Cooling
1916 Packard V12
1919 Malcolm Loughead Hydraulic Brakes
1920 Louis Chevrolet Torsion Bar
1922 Lancia Unitary Construction
1922 Lancia Independent Front Suspension
1922 Trico Electric Wipers
1924 Vulcan Motors Automatic Transmission
1924 Harley Earl Whole Car Styling
1928 Cadillac Synchromesh Gear
1930's Harley Earl Clay modelling
1945 Philips Double Filament Globe
1945 Earle McPherson McPherson Strut
1948 Michelin Cross Ply Tyres
1948 Triplex Curved Windscreen
1948 B.F. Goodrich Tubeless Tyres
1949 Triumph Combined Coil Spring and Damper
and Strut type telescopic damper
1956 Eugene Houdry Catalyctic convertor
1957 Chrysler Cruise Control
1957 Felix Wankel Rotary Petrol Engine
1963 Hillman (Rootes Group) Die cast Aluminium Engine
1968 Citroen Moulded Plastic Bodies