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A few people in the early days of the automobile industry went on to be household names, others tended to take a backseat in history. Many Americans apprenticed in plumbing at James Flowers and Brothers, whilst others came from the Rail Sheds, which in those days involved a lot of plumbing. Steam plumbers and engineers were useful in household radiator and industry.
Thomas Clegg's steam car, Charles King's automobile, and the Duryea brother's racing inspired a generation of inventors.
Ransom E. Olds actually built cars on a stationary production line, the curved dash being the first mass produced vehicle with stunning success. After a fire destroyed, all but one of eleven prototypes, built focussing on different power sources. Imagine if the untouched car had been electric or hydrogen? Olds got eventually got ousted and started REO, which gave us the Speed Wagon.
David Buick gave us overhead valves and vitreous enamel and not in that order. Yes the one used on baths.
William Durrant was the idea person behind multi company Corporations and brand level marketing. Vertical Intergration was the name of the game. He founded Chevrolet in Canada to be able to regain control of General Motors, after being the loser in a hostile takeover. He lost again after Alfred P. Sloan was voted President by the Dupont stockholdings.
Henry Ford was involved in the Detroit Motor Company and turned it into the Henry Ford Motor Company, only to loose it to investors (Leland Brothers) who renamed it Cadillac. He started Ford Motor Company and after out manouvering the share holders, including the Dodge Brothers, went on to buy Lincoln a company started by the Leland Brothers, after they lost out at Cadillac. Whilst the Lelands ran Cadillac, it refused a shipment of bearings from Hyatt Roller Bearings, a company being run by Alfred P. Sloan. Thanks to that, he rejigged the quality at the bearing factory and it became industry leader, suppling both GM and Ford, and it went on to be part of United Motors. Alfred ran United Motors, and after moving up, went on to run General Motors until the late fifties. He hired Harley Earl and started Art and Colour at General Motors, he proceeded to use it to give us model obselesence. Harley Earl gave us all body styling, a flowing body shape with complementing interior, and Clay modelling among other things.
Walter P. Chrysler worked at Buick, when Nash was the President, and after Nash left to start his own company, Walter became President. His success allowed him to retire at an early age, but was coaxed into turning the failing Willys Overland around. The money he made from this he used to attract investors to Maxwell Motors, and then to purchase Dodge Trucks, after the Dodge brothers died. Maxwell was renamed Chrysler and the rest is history.
Famous names in the early American car Industry
William Durant
1861 - 1947
Flint Road and Cart
Durrant & Dort Carriage
Works on Buick prototype
President of Buick Motor Co.
Buys out Buick and Olds Motor Works
Incorporates General Motors Corp. and buys Cadillac.
Buys Oakland and make Ford offer.
Ousted from GM by Dupont investors.
Partners Louis Chevrolet in Canada
Gains financial control of Chevrolet.
Chevolet joins General Motors makes Durrant Pres.
General Motors buys Fisher and Frigidaire
Buys New Departure Bearings, Westrom, Mott Axle, Remy Electric, Periman Rim and Dayton Eng
Dupont shareholders oust Durrant again
Oakland compact has model name Pontiac
Pontiac replaces the Oakland brand name
William Durant
Alfred P. Sloan
1875 - 1966
Hyatt Roller Bearings starts
Begins at Hyatt
Supplies bearings to Haymes Apperson
Sloan family invests
Supplies Oldsmobile
President of Hyatt Roller Bearings
Leland refuses order for Cadillac. Hyatt creates Cadillac standard
Supplies Covert (Harrison Radiators)
and Lincoln Steel
Both Ford and GM major customers.
Bought with Harrison Radiators by GM for integrated supply chain.
United Motors incorporated by GM from parts suppliers.
Sloan is President.
Becomes President of General Motors.
Harley Earl hired by Alfred P. Sloan
Art and Colour Dept created with Harley Earl Chief
Alfred P. Sloan
David D. Buick
1854 - 1929
Vitreous Enamel
Stationary internal combustion engines
Designs Overhead Valve motor for prototype
Backed by Briscoe for Buick Motor Co.
Quits Buick, Durrant replaces him with Nash as GM.
Incorporated into General Motors.
David D. Buick
Walter P. Chrysler
1875 - 1940
Works at Buick under Nash.
General Manager of Buick at GM
Left Buick to work at Willys Overland
Turns Willys Overland around.
Bought Maxwell Motors
Chrysler brand replaces Maxwell
Dodge brand acquired.
Walter P. Chrysler
Henry Ford
1863 - 1947
Works for Edison Illuminating, Detroit.
Sees Charles King, builds quadricycle
Moves to work at Detroit Automobile
Detroit Automobile becomes Henry Ford Co.
Leland brothers buy Henry Ford Co. and rename it Cadillac.
Distrust of investors.
Ford Motor Co. begins using Dodge Brothers parts.
Original Model A
Models B & C
Model K Touring
Model N Runabout
Automotive Plough
Model T
10,000 Model T. Refuses offer from General Motors
19,000 Model T
34,000 Model T
68,000 Model T
170,000 Model T made on the first Moving production line. Based on Ford flywheel techniques.
202,000 Model T
Dodge Brothers start building trucks and cars.
500,000 Model T
735,000 Model T
Edsell made President to scare investors. Henry secretly buys stock.
Henry Ford and Family own Ford Motor Company
Dodge Brothers Die.
2,000,000 Model T made
1,900,000 Model T made
1,500,000 Model T made
400,000 Model T made (1/2 year)
2,000,000 Model A made
Henry Ford
Ransom Olds
1864 - 1950
Builds his first steam car
Racing at Florida in Olds Pirate racecar
Olds Motor Works
11 Prototypes various power sources
Factory Fire
sells 600 Curved Dash Cars
3000 mass produced cars made on a stationary production line.
Sold 4000 cars is market leader
Ousted from Olds Motor Works.
Starts R.E.O.
OMW Purchased by Briscoe for GM.
Incorporated into General Motors
Ransom Olds