©This work is copyright, apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be  reproduced by any process,

nor may any other exclusive right be exercised, without the permission of Anthony Wilcox, Campbelltown, South Australia  5074  September  2015

The site is separated into three individual sites, Galleries, the Shopfront and this information home site.  

The Gallery and Merchandise sites will open in independent tabs or windows depending on your brower,

so to return here either close the window or switch tabs in your browser.

Alternatively the sites are linked in the pinned menu at the top of the screen.


Club links, sites of interest, famous car designers and a brief history of the motor car.

Site map


Prints and Posters, Phone cases,

Bags and Skins, Cushions and Mugs

Tees, Apparel and Baby wear.


All the images from car shows around Adelaide.

Images that you can choose to be placed in the Print Store.

Classic car Clubs and links, histories and more
Classic car images and gifts.
Classic car image galleries

Site Map


Gift ideas

Cars around Adelaide

Classic car gifts
Antique automobile presents

Welcome to Cars around Adelaide a site full of Antique Automobile pictures, taken by our photographer Anthony, who we call Ferenghi.  He says it's from the Old Silk Road where the early travellers learn about bartering, and the local merchant learnt about over pricing, they found they could start far high and finish at possibly they're normal starting price, when serving ferenghi or travellers.  So effective making far more profit than they would from a local purchaser, and the ferenghi thought they had got a massive discount and bartered like a local. More accurately it would be first suckers that got charged tourist rates and started the whole messy business.

Say G'Day to Ferenghi, he's the one you'll see at the shows, wears a hat and is usually starring at a hand held remote screen, for his DSLR, or Facbooking on his phone.

Aside from that, we think he takes pretty cool images, and we love to show them off in the galleries.

Our Adobe Photo expert and style advisor Mykx is only a third of Ferenghi's age, but is still not quite as quick at it, as the old fart.  She is learning quickly, and is even starting to show interest in taking shots to process for herself.  Mykx is highly artistic, and as self proclaimed style and generational change advisor, it is her fault the site is being brought up to mobile standard, as apparently no one uses desktops any more. (Tell that to the Stats but! although Google seem to think it's going that way and delisting non mobile friendly pages.)  At least she was impressed with the new full page background on my 50"TV when I showed her, (mirroring the desktop), and it has given her a new appreciation for non mobile alternatives.  Site still has best impact on a desktop computer.

Our Finance Controller has asked not to be named on site and I won't poke the Dragon, as I need my funding.

So to make amends to the powers that be, requires  a dose of self promotion.

The images Ferenghi takes can be moved into our Redbubble shop, where they can be printed onto a variety of products to decorate your tech, chest or home. Yes Home, Cushions, wall prints, duvet covers and soon clocks.

Cover your chest with a shirt or legs witha skirt, even leggings get a go. Your phone or laptop, pencil case, laptop skin and whatever the Redbubble team decide to print on next.

So if your car, or a shot you like isn't in the shop hit the button on the gallery site and suggest it. So far everyone who has asked has had the car online inside 48 hours, with a linked reply email.